Tarsia Maker

your questions here...Write4qabove the diagram...The small shapeshere! Or vice versa.and your answerschange the puzzle shape.3q5q3a10q6q4a6a7q11q8q7a5a8a9q12q9a13q10a13a14q15q14a11a15a16q17q16a12a17a18q18a

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A more comprehensive editor is available online (not created or supported by me), links to it and ideas on how to use Tarsia Puzzles are available from Mr Barton Maths.

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Shffle icon made by Pixel perfect from www.flaticon.com

10q6q18a17q16ayour questions here...Write10a13a14qhere! Or vice versa.and your answerschange the puzzle shape.3q5q3a15q14a13q5a8a9q4a6a7q12q9a4qabove the diagram...The small shapes11a15a16q11q8q7a12a17a18q